Etapes clés
Formules type
1. - Introduction
Saluer le client |
Nice to see you (again) Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms X. Please have a seat. It"s a pleasure to meet you. Would you like a glass of water / a cup of tea / a cup of coffee ?
Expliquer le déroulement de l'entretien
I'll be asking you some questions about the situation... We'll be spending the next hour discussiong the facts of your case...
Exposer les modalités de l'entretien
Let me assure you that everything you tell me today will be held in strict confidence.
Before we get started, maybe I should tell you about my fees...
2. - Faits
Identifier les difficultés rencontrées par le client
Would you like to tell me why you are here today?
Tell me what brings you here today and how I can help you.
Please tell me more about what happened next.
What did you do then?
Let's return to the course of events.
Résumer la situation
So if I understand you correctly, you are saying that...
Let me repeat what I have understood so far.
Allow me to summarise what you've said.
As I understand the situation, ...
Obtenir des détails supplémentaires |
Allow me to ask you more about...
Could you explain why...
3. - Analyse juridique
Rassurer le client
As I see it, we have a good chance of convincing the court that...
I think that we have good reason to be optimistic.
Mettre en garde le client |
I have to warn you that proving that... will be extremely difficult.
Let me tell you something about the legislation in such cases...
4. - Conclusion
Evoquer la prochaine prise de contact |
I'm going to research these matters in detail and then I'll get back to you.
I'll call you next week and let you know how things look.
You'll hear from me in a few days.
Mettre fin à l'entretien |
It was good seeing you.
Thank you for entrusting me with this matter.